04-Artistic Curriculum shot

How do learners become techno-savvy?

How do learners become techno-savvy?

  • How to bridge the digital divide

The Network readiness index

  • Drivers
    • Environment
      • Readiness
        • Infrastructure
        • Affordability
        • Skills
      • Usage
        • Individual
        • Government
        • Business
  • Impacts
    • Economic
    • Social

South Africa’s ranking (out of 144)

  • Environment Sub index: nr 33
  • Readiness Sub index: nr 95
  • Skills Sub index: nr 102

South Africa is in 70th place. Despite a sharp improvement in the development of its ICT infrastructure (59th)—notably in terms of international Internet bandwidth capacity (66th)—and a strong uptake by the business community (33rd), the ICT impacts (92nd), particularly the social ones (112th), remain limited. The perception of a lack of clear government vision (105th) to orchestrate and implement a holistic ICT strategy for the country, coupled with deficiencies in the educational system for some segments of the population (102nd), play negatively in this process and outweigh a rather positive political and regulatory framework for ICT development (21st) and pro-business environment (55th).


  • Rolls Royce top speed 250 km/hr
  • City Golf top speed 180 km/hr
  • Two feet no speed

Computer equipment at SA Schools

What are we learning / teaching? Does the volume increase? The quality? The motivation, fun factor, ie effectiveness. If we evolve from right to left , what does the future hold? Should they come to school?


Where do you think is the digital divide? There are 2 in this picture. Where is the biggest one?

Computer equipment at SA Schools

Where do you think is the digital divide here? There are 2 again. Where is the biggest one?

Thoughts about this digital divide

  • Is it about the tools, the skills, the results
  • Is it about attitude, willingness, openmindedness, adaptability
  • Should we see ICT skills as a goal in itself
  • And/or that ICT supports other sectors (medicine, leisure, …)
  • Global competitiveness / Internet economy


  • Do you draw comfort from the illusion that everything will remain the same?
  • How eager are you to change something
  • To change a lot
  • To change again and again
  • Do you have a choice

A new curriculum for young learners! Making it easier to adapt to change, to cross the divide

A Skills Based Curriculum

  • CAPS Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement DoE
  • SAQA Unit Standards
  • International Computer Syllabi

The CS4A curriculum includes over 200 computer skills, taken from the DoE CAPS for Science and Technology, some SAQA Unit Standards for end user computing, the International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) Syllabus 5, and Internet and Core Computing Certification (IC3).


  • Minimum 12 activities per Unit (term).
  • Minimum 48 activities per Grade.
  • Total Number of activities 472.

Completed Activities

When installing the curriculum, one can choose if this is the teacher’s computer or a learners’ computer. The teacher’s installation includes all the completed activities as well, i.e. an example of each activity as it was intended


It is essential that the learners become confident in widely used applications. Activities are written in common software; MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint etc. in preparation for the high school curriculum. The 2013 version of our curriculum is available in Office 2007 or Office 2010.

Completed Activites

The content of the activities is from all learning area’s; maths, language, science, geography, social sciences, …


The activities get harder for the higher grades and teach more advanced skills. We encourage creativity. Learners enjoy learning because they are actively involved all the time.

Completed Activites

Explore graphics in PowerPoint.

Teachers guides

The software tips have screenshots where necessary

Teachers guides

Some software tips are extensive and have a lot of screenshots.


This is the Challenge for Grade 3, Unit 2: 7 skills are assessed.


This is the Challenge for Grade 7, Unit 2: 10 skills are assessed.

Assessment sheets

Evaluate each learner against the skills on a scale of 1 – 4: 1 – Skills Not yet Achieved, 2 – Some Skills Achieved, 3 – Good Performance, 4 – Outstanding Performance. The spreadsheet has built in formulas for the learners’ individual score and the class average

Sample Certificate

Free Software

  • 4-in-a-row
  • 10 Finger BreakOut
  • Brain Workshop
  • Frets on Fire
  • Stellarium
  • Chess programs
  • Reading software
  • Typing tutors
  • Scratch, a programming language that makes it easy to create their own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art – they can even share creations on the web.

Free educational software: use as a lesson in itself or as a reward. All of them are freely available on the internet, we just made a selection

Product Price 1st year

Per Grade R830
Grade R–7 R6000

Uprade 2nd Year

Per Grade R415
Grade R–7 R3000

Single Site Licence Agreement

  • One school, regardless of the number of learners, regardless of the number of computers.
  • Valid for 365 days.
  • After that you can upgrade annually to the latest version at 50% of the price.
  • Renewal option (max 2 years in a row) at 10% of the price.

Our price is affordable and the agreement is fair.

The curriculum is continuously updated so you work with the latest version as far as software and technology is concerned as well as educational principles and syllabi that change. Because we certify the skills, we don't allow 3 years in a row of the same curriculum, the certification would not be valid.

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