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I am your PoE—guide to SAQA assessments

The time span between completing a Portfolio of Evidence and receiving your certificate is a worry. Like all candidates, you are anxious to know your results; even when you know the results, you still want to get your certificate ASAP!

While we do everything in our power do make the whole assessment process as painless and smooth as possible, some parts of it are out of our control.

The assessment tools have to work. They have to comply with SETA requirements. They have to be efficient as far as time and cost is concerned, but they have to walk the walk.

This is the trip of the PoE (portfolio of evidence).

The evidence collector makes sure the PoE is complete.

The assessments administrator captures all the candidates’ info from the PoE into a dbase. The assessor judges all the evidence in the PoE and compiles a report. The assessments administrator gets the PoE back and sends it on to the moderator. The moderator checks the whole group of PoE’s and compiles a report.

The assessments administrator submits the results online.

The SETA verifies the results, captures them into the national dbase and sends the endorsement to the Training Provider. The Training Provider organises the certificates and voilá, you are invited to the graduation!

Every step involves a bunch of people, takes times, and is potentially hazardous! Please be advised that patience is required, but it will be rewarded! Join us at the next Graduation!

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