
9 Tips for Passing ICDL exams

The test contains 36 questions, which are more or less equally weighted. Don’t waste time on questions you are not sure of — rather skip them and answer the questions that you know first.

Don’t waste time

Attempt every question

There is no negative marking, so at least attempt an answer.

No help available

Because this is a simulated test, the Help facility is not available.


Because this is a simulated test, no actual printing will take place.

Read the question carefully

Important information in each question is typed in red to assist you.

Check your spelling

Because this is a simulated test, you need to be very careful with your spelling, e.g. for filenames. Only type what is specified in red in the question.

Colour Selection

Be careful when selecting colours for fonts, borders etc. Make sure that you select the exact colour as specified in the question.


The test uses inches, which are represented by the symbol “. There is no need to convert to cm.

Highlighted text

If text is already highlighted, try not to click the highlight off as you may not remember exactly what was highlighted before, and you could lose marks.

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