27 October 2014 Prize Giving

Hilldrop Heritage School has a special place in my heart. In many hearts, I’m sure.

The children glowed with joy and confidence and relished their chance to be on stage (most of them). The nativity play was an exceptional treat for me, as I had not attended one in many years. The message is the same, but the rhythm has changed dramatically, wow!

Computer Skills for Africa has been privileged to have the cooperation of this magnificent school to test new activities of our Primary Curriculum and for the first time also formal assessments. The results for this year were astonishing as 83% of the learners from Grade 3 upwards were awarded a certificate. Note that the pass mark for the CS4A certificate is 75%, not easy!

I am very proud of you all, and grateful that you did so well. A special thank you to Miss Mc Ghee and also to Mrs Ponter for playing along with such grace!

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