1 July Graduation Ceremony
Computer Skills for Africa invites you cordially to attend the Certificate Ceremony on 1 July 2011.
Please read the details below carefully and return the reply slip to us before Wednesday 15 June.
St Dominic's Academy Hall, 148 Murchison Street.
1 July 2011
As a recipient of a certificate you are welcome to bring a guest. Guests are charged R 50 each. This is payable with the Reply slip or at the door on the day of the ceremony.
Academic gowns are not necessary but you are welcome to bring your own. There will also be some gowns available to have your photo taken as well as Computer Skills for Africa hoods. You can order your own hood afterwards.
Graduation fee:
Certificate, entertainment and refreshments, and 1 photo graph. R100.
The CS4A photographer will be on hand for individual photos and group photos. Copies of these photos will be available at the ceremony and afterwards at our offices. You are welcome to bring along a memory stick to take a copy at no charge. Prints can be ordered at R 25 for Jumbo size and R 50 for A4. Money is to accompany your order.
Recipients and guests can stay for tea and cake after the ceremony.
9:30 Arrival of Guests
10:00 Welcome
10:15 Musical Item
10:30 Guest Speaker Address
11:00 Handing out of Certificates
12:00 Photo session
12:15 Tea
13:00 End